Every month something very peculiar happens and I never find a way to prevent it. It all starts with me putting some weight on overnight. Then I get a little bit irritable. On these days a compliment can be easily confused with an insult. My husband doesn’t seem to learn either:
- Good morning, darling- he says
- Morning – I reply. But I think : I don’t see any good in this grey morning!
- What are you doing today? Anything exciting?
- No.
- Are you meeting anyone?
- No
By question number three I stop answering. He then tries to make me laugh. He walks towards the dishwasher, opens the door and says:
-Good morning, dishwasher? How are you today? -That only irritates me more.
What happens to men on those days? They keep asking stupid question.
On those days it is better not to say a thing. Just ignore me, please.
He keeps trying to cheer me up. All I need .
- What has happened ? You seem a bit stressed.
Exhausted of not speaking to him and trying to convince myself and the whole world, I shout:
If women are really from Venus, why don’t men go to Mars for that particular week ?